Qué ver en Bangkok - Mirador Monte Dorado (What to see in Bangkok)

Bangkok Guide: Best places to see in 2-3 days

Bangkok, the vibrant capital of Thailand, is renowned for its stunning Buddhist architecture and lively street life. The city seamlessly blends the spirituality of its ancient temples with the energy of bustling markets filled with delicious food stalls and vibrant neighborhoods that contrast with modern skyscrapers and luxurious shopping malls. While many of Bangkok’s most…

Consejos viajar Tailandia - Koh Phi Phi (Thailand travel Tips)

Best travel tips for Thailand on a trip for backpackers

Are you planning a trip to Thailand on your own? If so, here’s a list of travel tips for Thailand that will help you avoid unpleasant surprises and make the most of your experience. Although Thailand is a very touristy destination and famous for how easy it is to travel around the country, being well-informed…