Qué ver en Yunnan - Casco antiguo de Lijiang - Black Dragon Pool

Best places to see in Lijiang: old town and surroundings

The Old Town of Lijiang is located in Yunnan Province (云南), approximately 500 km from Kunming and 190 km north of Dali, another well-known city in Yunnan. Lijiang is famous for its stunning natural landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and its well-preserved Old Town. It has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site and serves as…

Monihei, festival de barro de Yunnan

Monihei, China’s most famous mud festival

Monihei(摸你黑)is a mud festival held in southwestern Yunnan, specifically in Cangyuan, a city bordering Myanmar. The tradition of this festival is based on spreading mud on people to spread health and prosperity. It’s believed that the more muddy you get, the better. Held every May 1 and 2, this festival comes from the Wa ethical…

Yunnan - Terrazas de arroz de Yuanyang

The spectacular Rice Terraces of Yuanyang (Yunnan, China)

The Rice Terraces of Yuanyang (原阳) are located south of Yunnan in Honghe Prefecture. This entire area is famous for its large expanses of rice fields, which are undoubtedly some of the most spectacular rice terraces of China. Ninety-five per cent of Yuanyang’s population is engaged in agriculture, 88% of whom belong to different ethnic…