Guía de viaje de Vietnam - Bandera de Vietnam

Travel Tips for Vietnam: Key aspects to know before go

After a month traveling around Vietnam, I have created this practical guide with essential tips for traveling on your own. From basic information to recommendations of places you can’t miss, here you have everything you need to make the most of this fascinating country in Southeast Asia. In my case, I spent a month traveling…

Puente frontera terrestre entre China y Vietnam
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Crossing the land border between China and Vietnam

During my stay in Yunnan (China), I crossed the land border between China and Vietnam, passing through Hekou (Yunnan, China) and Lao Cai (Vietnam). It had been five years since my first visit to Vietnam, and I was eager to return. We spent two weeks visiting Vietnam and returned to China via the same border,…

Ruta Sudeste Asiático (Southeast Asia Route)
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Best Routes to visit Southeast Asia: starting in Thailand

Many people ask me about which route to take in Southeast Asia and how long to stay in each country. The reality is that there are hundreds of combinations depending on your time, what you want to visit, what you are willing to spend and your preferred mode of transportation. One of the most fashionable…

Vietnam - Arrozales de Sapa

Sapa Rice Terraces: My Experience on a 2-Day Trekking Tour

Our last stop in Vietnam has been the increasingly famous rice terraces of Sapa. Sapa is one of the most worthwhile places to visit in Vietnam and, without a doubt, a destination no traveler to this country should overlook. Sapa is located in the northwest of Vietnam near the Chinese border, with Yunnan province, at…

Vietnam - El barrio antiguo de Hanoi - Torre de la Tortuga

Old Quarter of Hanoi: Top 5 places to visit

Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, breathes history everywhere. Hanoi itself is not an incredibly beautiful city, but the Old Quarter of Hanoi has a special charm. The old architecture of the Old Quarter of Hanoi blends with the French buildings of the colonial era. The narrow streets are filled with tourists walking around, souvenir shops,…